Grand Kalle and African Jazz

Alex Mayukuta, André "Damoiseau" Kambite, Bombenga, Brazzos, Casimir "Casino" Mutshipule, Charlie, D
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Grand Kalle et l'African Jazz (often referred to simply as African Jazz) was perhaps the first full-time, professional b

African Jazz emerged from the vibrant urban culture of Léopoldville during the last decade of Belgian rule in the Congo.[1] Its music, driven by members of the rising African middle class, became popular during the move towards independence as an expression of rising national self-confidence.[2] The new musical style, pioneered by the group, brought together foreign musical influences and western instruments with indigenous musical rhythms.[3] The band itself was created at the initiative of Joseph Kabasele Tshamala, known as Le Grand Kallé, in 1953.[4] The band reached the apogee of its success between 1958 and 1962.Travelling to Belgium in 1960 at the time of negotiations on the Congo's independence, African Jazz was one of the first groups to introduce African popular music into the European market The band produced the hit "Indépendance Cha Cha" soon afterwards. During its early development, African Jazz maintained a strong rivalry with Leopoldville's other major "rumba orchestra", OK Jazz, led by Franco Luambo Makiadi. The rivalry manifested in a move towards different musical styles by both bands which would define the two schools of Congolese rumba that emerged in the period. African Jazz played an important role in introducing new musicians to the Congolese public. These included Nico Kasanda (known as Docteur Nico) and Tabu Ley Rochereau, both of whom would become important rumba musicians in their own right after the mid-1960s. Anthropologist Bob W. White has compared the "clean, cosmopolitan, modernist sound" of African Jazz by the mid-1960s with the "more rootsy traditionalist sound" of OK Jazz to illustrate the argument. In July 1963, the African Jazz split with all its musicians leaving to form a new group, African Fiesta, leaving Kallé as African Jazz's only member.[7] In 1966, Kallé reconstructed the band with a new group of musicians and embarked on an overseas tour, but the new group fell apart in 1967-68 with musicians leaving to form a new band

Releases: ASVN016: Grand Kalle and African Jazz : Souvenirs From The Congo
Tracks: Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Parafifi (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Kelya (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Ambiance Kalle Catho (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Jamais Kolonga (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Sophie Ya Motéma (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Montido Na Yo Paulina (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Indépendance Cha-Cha (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Table Ronde (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : La Vida Africa (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Afica Mokili Mobimba (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Mokonzi Ya Mboko (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Matanga Ya Modibo (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Lipopo Ya Ba Nganga (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Basi Ya African Jazz (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Ennemi Na Ngai Ya Kala (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Sentiment Emonani (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Tosekana (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Naweli Boboto (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Merengue Scoubidou (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Mindule Mipanzana (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Caroline (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Butsana Mama (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Lolita (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Lolo Wa Ngai (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Otuli Foti Na Yo (Buy Download)
Grand Kalle & African Jazz : Laora (Buy Download)